Privacy Policy

 Personal data

There are many ways in which you can be a supporter of Kairos UK (KUK).  Some supporters receive newsletters or similar updates about the work of KUK.  This Data Privacy Statement is for this group.  In this Data Privacy Statement, the word “supporter” means someone who receives newsletters or similar updates.

There is a separate Data Privacy Statements for team members. If you are a team member, please also ask for the appropriate Data Privacy Statement, if you would like to see it.

 What personal data do we hold?

If you are a supporter, we will hold your name and postal address, and/or email address. We will also hold a record of your involvement in any Kairos missions.

 How is your personal data kept safe?

Your details are held in a spreadsheet.  This file is password-protected and kept on a password-protected computer.

 What is your data used for?

Your data is only used to send you newsletters or other communication about the work of Kairos.  This may include details of upcoming missions and events.

 Does Kairos UK have a right to your data?

Under Data Protection legislation, KUK needs to have a “lawful basis” for keeping your data, and for using it. There are several types of “lawful basis”.  One of them is called “legitimate interest”.  If you are a member of a current mission, then it is reasonable (“legitimate”) for us to keep you informed about the work of Kairos.

 If you are not involved in a current mission, we will not send you newsletters or other information unless you have agreed to be added to a mailing list.  We will ask you clearly if you are happy to be added to a mailing list.   You can say yes or no, or not reply.  If you say yes, you will have given “consent” and we will record your details on the mailing list. The lawful basis for us to hold your data is then called “consent”. 
We will not record your details on the mailing list unless you give consent. 

 Who can see your data?

The only people who have access to your data are the KUK Chair and Secretary and the relevant Kairos mission team leaders.     
We are as careful as possible to make sure no one else has access to your data.

We will only share your data if there is a legal requirement for us to do so.

 How long will your data be kept?

Your details will be kept as long as you are happy to receive newsletters or information. 
At any time you can tell us that you are withdrawing consent. If you do that, we will take your details off the mailing list. We may keep enough of your details to make sure we don’t send you any information by mistake.

 Who can you speak to if you have questions?

If you have questions about your data, and what we do with it, you should contact the Kairos UK data controller via

 What rights do you have?

You have a number of rights under Data Protection legislation:

1.       Right to be know what data we hold
You have a right to know what personal data we hold about you. 
This Data Privacy Statement describes the data that we will hold. But you can ask if we have any other data about you which is not covered by this Data Privacy Statement.

2.       Right to have a copy of the data we hold
You can ask for a copy of the data we hold about you. This is called a “subject access request”. 
If you make a “subject access request”, we will give you a copy of all the data we hold about you.
We will do this within one month.  If it helps, we will give you the data in a computer file.

3.       Right to object
You can object if you think we are using your data in the wrong way. 
You can also object if you think we don’t have “lawful grounds” for using your data.
We will give you a statement explaining why we use your data and explaining the “lawful grounds”.
If you are still not happy, you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office.
If we find we are using your data in the wrong way, we will stop immediately and stop it happening again.

4.       Right to have your data corrected
If you think there is a mistake in your data, please tell us. You have a right to have it corrected. 
We may need to check what is the correct data, but will put right any mistakes as soon as possible.

5.       Right to be forgotten
We promise to remove your data if you ask us to, unless you are part of an active team or there is an ongoing investigation into a mission of which you were part. If you are part of an active team, we will remove your data once the mission is complete. If there is an ongoing investigation, we will remove your data when the investigation is complete. 

 Finally, if anything happened to your data that could be a risk to you, we will do our best to tell you.